Deplorable description!! ALL MOTHERS WHO HAVE DAUGHTERS SHOULD READ THIS. Read the 2nd paragraph!! This app targets young females, and carelessly uses the word “UGLY”....all the while pretending it’s ok to say [ugly] if they add an “lol!” Well, it’s not!! There are 2 sentences from the second paragraph of this app’s description that I find potentially dangerous to young girls already facing peer pressure. Please see the developer’s sickening description that are in quotes below, and please keep in mind this is NOT my grammar!! • • • • • • • “Strong Front Camera self-timer function, “the savior of the’UGLY girl” lol! Deep welcomed by female users..... “ “...... the new carrying “whitening” mode can also be achieved ANY LEVEL adjustable beauty model.” • • • • • • • What?? Did I read that right?? In addition to the using the word “ugly,” I personally think this also sounds RACIST (*at least to me) when it mentions “the new WHITENING mode, etc” ?!?! What?? Why are we promoting “whitening”????? What planet am I on?? They are chauvinistic-sounding (*to me) when they say, “deep welcomed by female users.” Aside from not making sense, it’s obvious who they’re preying upon — in their description alone!! Oh, and please feel free to write your own review—even if you have to download the free app to be able to review it. You can delete the app afterwards. *SPECIAL NOTE: Any app developer who cannot use proper grammar, lacks adjectives and connectors, and uses phrases like “the new carrying whitening mode” has little to no validity anyway. Besides, what does that even mean?! I’m disgusted — not only by the app but also by the ignorant (*as in uneducated, not name-calling), pedestrian simpletons out to make a quick hustle at some young impressionable girls expense. Lastly, I will absolutely screenshot my review along with the app name and post it all over FB as well. Perhaps some of my 950+ followers might agree with me. Thank you all — to the customers, that is —for reading this.